Don’t hurry to hire
Don’t rush to fill that vacant job.
The right person is worth waiting for. Take the opportunity to strengthen your team (and you may cure a problem you’ve had for a long time).
HR is too important to be left to HR
Human Resources is an everyday part of doing business. But some crucial employee issues are far too important to be left to HR.
Be Kind. Be Direct.
As the CEO, you’re always facing uncomfortable decisions. If you avoid or evade them, they’ll just be more difficult to deal with later.
Being too nice isn’t nice at all
Your mother was right.
It’s important to be nice.
But many CEOs are too nice —
and the result isn’t nice for anyone.
Reduce your busy-ness
Chances are you’re way too busy.
How can you find time to work on the right things — the things that will make a real difference in results?
Starting with one small success
Build on your successes.
Why not grow your sales
by selling more of what you’re already providing successfully?
Don’t be too patient. You can start improving your results this month!