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Improving Competitiveness

Becoming easy to do business with

Want to talk?

Let’s schedule a 20-minute conversation.

Of course there are no quick solutions to serious issues, but a brief conversation might help you see a path to real progress — sooner than you thought.

For decades, fierce price competition, rapid technological change and escalating customer demands have combined to make it more difficult for many companies to compete for business. As run lengths shorten, and overall print volume continues to contract, competitive pressures are unlikely to recede anytime soon.

We can help you improve your company’s competitiveness by finding ways to make you easier to do business with. What stands in the way of responding to your clients’ needs? What gets in the way of developing relationships with new customers? How can you become easy to do business with?

Drawing on our experience as managers and as consultants to hundreds of graphic arts companies, we’ll help you remove those internal obstacles — making you more competitive by improving your responsiveness and ability to meet customers’ needs. You’ll be excited to find (and remove)  a few critical obstacles that may have a surprisingly large impact on your company’s competitiveness — slowing responsiveness or just making things more difficult than they need to be. Then we’ll be able to turn to building your selling effectiveness,  as your company becomes easier to do business with and more competitive in the process.

There’s no magic. All it requires is a thorough understanding of the moving parts and a little insight as to how to implement the required changes. We’ll show you ways to address the issues one by one, until your entire process of responding to customer needs is easier and faster — for them and for you!

Don’t be too patient. You can start improving your results this month!